Administrative Region Aggregations
We offer MOSAIKS features aggregated up to several common administrative zones. These aggregations come from two different shapefile sources (1) the Global Data Lab (GDL) and (2) the Comprehensive Global Administrative Zone (CGAZ 3.0.0) dataset from geoBoundaries.
We provide features aggregated to the ADM0 (country), ADM1 (state/province), and ADM2 (county/municipality) levels.
At each level of aggregation, we offer area weighted features and population weighted features. Population weighted features use weights from the GHS-POP population dataset.
The feature files included here are those needed to replicate Sherman et al., 2023. Administrative zones not included in that analysis may not be included in the list below.
Each of these downloads are offered as a zipped csv file.
To download these files, you will need to create a Redivis account and be signed in.
Comprehensive Global Administrative Zones (CGAZ)
These administrative unit aggregations use shapefiles from the geoBoundaries CGAZ dataset version 3.0.0.
Global Data Lab
These administrative unit aggregations use shapefiles from the Global Data Lab version 6.1.