Coarsened Global Grids
We offer direct download options for MOSAIKS features at the global 1 x 1 degree, 0.25 x 0.25 degree, and 0.1 x 0.1 degree grid levels.
Because the global features are 3TB at native resolution (0.01 x 0.01 degrees), it is infeasible to make these available for direct download globally. As an alternative, we offer these global coarsened grids that are aggregations of the native resolution grid.
We coarsen the native resolution grid in two ways and make both options available:
We aggregative the native resolution grid using area weights.
We aggregate the native resolution grid using population weights from GHS-POP.
To download these files, you will need to create a Redivis account and be signed in.
1 x 1 degree global grid
Each of these files is about 600MB in size.
0.25 x 0.25 degree global grid
Each of these files is about 5GB in size.
0.1 x 0.1 degree global grid
These files are first split by continent and then split into chunks. Each file is no greater than 3.5GB in size.
These coarsened grids are also accessible programmatically with Redivis.